
Bodywork Eases Migraines and Tension Headaches by Cathy Ulrich "Do you get headaches?" I asked Cindy. She had come to see me for massage to address her neck and shoulder pain but hadn't mentioned headaches. "Well, yes," she said. "I've always had headaches and, now that you mention it, they seem to be worse when my neck hurts." Cindy went on to say she suffered from them as often as 2-3 times a week and typically treated them with ibuprofen. Like many Americans, Cindy suffers from chronic, frequent headaches. Her neck pain finally prompted her to seek help, but she was so used to the headaches, she thought they were something she simply had to live with. What Cindy didn't understand was that frequent headaches are not normal and, with a little proactive planning, there is something that can be done to manage and even prevent them.

Ancient Injuries Don't Have to Make You Feel Old by Art Riggs Injuries such as chronic back pain, trick knees, and sticky shoulders are not necessarily something you just have to live with. Massage techniques might hold the key to unlocking this old pain.

Correct Alignment Leads to Better Health by Hope Bentley Talk of good posture often generates images of women walking in a circle with books balanced on their heads or soldiers standing at attention. But good posture does not have to be rigid or ridiculous. In fact, far from ridiculous, it may be the key to good health.

If you've never experienced a massage session with me, you should continue reading this short article I've posted. It has some helpful answers to the most common questions people have asked me about massage before I've worked on them. Please feel free to email me any additional questions you might have for me before your first massage session, if the article is lacking in answers.  

Time and time again, I find myself trying to fight the effects of bad "computer desk" posture with my clients. With my business centered in Silicon Valley, I've found that bad posture is rampant. Well, let's just say it's an epidemic. This post will hope to enlighten all you engineers, bloggers and desk jockeys as to what the perfect desk set-up is so that you may all enjoy better posture and less pain when you are really old. Read on!

We all want to be without pain (save some masochists out there!). But just what is it, and what should we do to manage it? Massage therapy certainly helps to relieve all sorts of pain, but here is some really great info about pain and what you can do to help manage it and hopefully get it out of your life. Good riddance, I say!

Yes, you can get relief from all that discomfort of carrying around your future progeny. Men, this article isn't for you. Women who are with child or plan to be might just find this post to be pretty informative and persuasive in getting yourself motivated to make a massage appointment. Power to the pregnant!

Making the Most of Your Massage by Barbara Hey A massage works in wonderful ways, easing stress and pain, calming the nervous system, increasing circulation, loosening tight muscles, stimulating internal organs, and enhancing skin. The multiplicity of physiological responses sends a simple, clear message to the mind: Massage feels good. Of course, you want to hold on to that just-had-a-massage feeling -- total body relaxation, muscles relaxed and at ease, and fluid movement restored -- for as long as possible. But how long that bliss lasts depends on the state of your body. If you're suffering from chronic pain or recovering from injury, then it may take more sessions and perhaps different modalities before optimal health is restored. If massage is part of your regular health regimen, then it's more likely the effects will endure. In other words, the effects of massage are cumulative, like any healthy habit. The more often you get a massage, the greater and longer-lasting the benefits.